Sahas Renuja Gunasekara

I’m thrilled to invite you to explore my work, skills and professional experience, and get to know a bit more about me. A born go-getter. I give 100% to every new project I take on. It’s my firm belief that a good challenge is a great way to develop and improve, which is why I make a point of seeking out challenges in the professional realm as well as in my personal life. Currently self-learning while I wait for my tertiary education to kick-off. Take a moment to look around, and contact me directly to learn more.


Who Am I?

I began building various Open Source Projects during my free time as a way to memorize and have a lasting effect of the self-learning that I have done. The passion was ignited once I learnt how to code initially on Pascal for my Advanced Levels in school. Since then I have learnt and built various applications on different programming languages such as Python, PHP, SQL.

March 2020 - Current

Research Assistant,
Vanguard Survey

Works continuously on data collection and monitoring based on clientele needs on strict daily and weekly deadlines. Significant experience in handling data in both Sinhala and English texts.

September, 2020

Software Developer,
Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists

Received a pro bono contract from the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists to help develop a formulary of neurology drugs that will help the national healthcare system to vastly improve care of patients with neurological diseases and disorders.

I had to build a bot (Python) that will collate all the drugs used in neurological practice from the NMRA web database, which will then be used to create a formulary that all the Neurologists in the country can refer to when prescribing.

March, 2020

Open Source
Debate Tab

This is the creation of an Open Source Debate Tabbing Software that will ideally be hosted on a server or worst case scenario on a LocalHost server. Made to make tabbing at debating tournaments easy.

Made using HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, MYSQL.

Was selected to GitHub's Arctic Code Vault Program.

March, 2020 - Current

Twitter Bot

Created a TwitterBot using Python and Tweepy which was used as the backend for the account @sahasbot.

Decided to turn it into a COVID-19 update bot during Sri Lanka's outbreak whilst later integrating additional functions such as matplotlib and weather functionalities.

Bot has since then been offline due to a lack of server :(

February, 2020

Optical Character Recogniser

This is a OCR that reads Sinhala Text using the Tesseract Engine which is an Artificially Trained Engine. Roughly 90+% Accurate but not to be used with non-printed Sinhala Characters.

Inputs go in, Sinhala Text goes out into a text file!


I'm always up to discovering, learning and building new things to no end.

I guess you could say this website is one such project I've been wanting to do.

Everything will always be up on GitHub so until then Git Gud!